For owners of THOMMEN watches:

Proud Owners club

Are you already the owner of a REVUE THOMMEN watch? REVUE THOMMEN has produced hundreds of thousands of watches since 1853 and sold them all over the world. Many REVUE THOMMEN watches are cherished heirlooms. We receive emails from proud REVUE THOMMEN owners almost every day. That is why we have decided to found the THOMMEN Watches Proud Owners Club.

How can you become a member and what are the advantages of the club?

Just send us a photo of your watch on your wrist or a photo of yourself and your watch and let us know your name and address. If you like, enter your birthday. The photos will be published on our social media with the initials of your name and your place of residence.

You will receive regular updates from THOMMEN Watches.

THOMMEN Proud Owners Club members receive an exclusive and limited special offer once a year.

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Ne manque rien

Merci de votre intérêt pour les montres THOMMEN. Avec notre newsletter, nous vous tiendrons au courant de nos nouveautés et de nos offres spéciales attrayantes.

Stay tuned

Thank you for your interest in THOMMEN watches. With our newsletter we will keep you up to date about our novelties and attractive special offers.